Rich Froning Jr.
Most people know Rich Froning for his four individual CrossFit championships and six Affiliate Cup championships, earning him the title, "fittest in history." Those who know him personally recognize that the values he ascribes to his business - faith, family, fitness, and service - are a true reflection of Rich Froning the person. For several years he has raised funds for Mustard Seed Ranch, a safe haven for at-risk youth in Cookeville, through "Mayhem for Mustard Seed." In 2020, Rich, along with Brian Nelson, founded Mayhem Mission with the purpose of using fitness as a vehicle to grow God's Kingdom. Husband to Hillary and father to Lakelyn, Trice, and Violet, these days you might find Rich coaching youth sports, mountain biking, hunting, or, you guessed it - training in his barn or at CrossFit Mayhem.

Brian Nelson
CFO of CrossFit Mayhem and Financial Consultant by day; co-founder of Mayhem Mission and missionary by night. This may sum up Brian Nelson's professional life, although in his ideal world these roles would be reversed. Brian first visited Togo, Africa on a mission trip in 2010; founded Togo Missions in 2012; and has been serving there ever since. He expanded his missional reach to Peru in 2017, and in 2018 happened upon a CrossFit in Iquitos that has become a vehicle for ministry and evangelism, along with four other gyms in the area. Iquitos is now an annual destination for Brian and Mayhem Mission, where he also ventures into the Amazon to bring the Gospel and medical supplies to remote villages. Brian married his wife, Sonia, in 2022. They live in Gadsden, Alabama, with their two children. Brian still admits to being an Auburn fan, and loves to hunt and CrossFit in his spare time.

Ben Brus
Ben developed a passion for faith at age 19, and has chased athletic pursuits his entire life, including an increasingly involved journey with CrossFit since 2012. At CrossFit Glendora (CA), he started as a member, became a coach, and eventually managed the gym from 2017-2023. When he was pursued about directing Mayhem Mission, it didn't take him long to commit to a position that combined two of his greatest passions: faith and fitness. A seminary graduate, Ben has held various ministry positions throughout his life, while also working in the non-profit and private sectors. In 2013 he wrote a memoir called A Paperboy's Guide to Greatness. A father of four, Ben has enjoyed teaching and developing his own kids and youth in general through sports. He and his wife, Mary, currently live in Southern California (Rich's second favorite state).